I'm a math professor at Harvey Mudd College, a liberal arts college of science, engineering and mathematics in Southern California. I love teaching mathematics and opening people up to its wonder and joy through my teaching, research, and public engagement. I have an academic webpage where you can learn more. Below are some links you may enjoy.
photo courtesy Harvey Mudd College
A lecture series I did for The Great Courses to explain the power of linear algebra.
An inquiry-based textbook, covering point-set as well as algebraic topology.
My research is a mixture of geometry, topology, and combinatorics: you can think of these as the mathematics of shape, stretching, and counting,respectively. I often study problems motivated by the social sciences and my work intersects game theory, the mathematical modeling of decision-making.
The New York Times wrote an article about my work on developing methods for dividing rent fairly among housemates.
At my academic page, you can find research papers I've written.